The second Literary Workshop under the Sharad Pawar Literary Fellowship 2021-22 was held from 28th to 30th May 2022, at the Atal Incubation Centre, AIC-ADT Baramati Foundation, Baramati. In this session, the writing progress of the fellowship holders was reviewed. Fellowship Coordinator Chetan Koli interacted with the trainees on the topic 'Book Production Process: Writing to Book Publishing'.
In the first session, all fellowship holders shared their writing journeys. This workshop was inaugurated on 28th May 2022, which commenced with a warm welcome by the Fellowship Coordinator Chetan Koli followed by an introduction by the main guide Prof. Nitin Rindhe. The Treasurer of Yashwantrao Chavan Centre Hemant Takle guided the fellowship holders. Datta Balsaraf, Honorary Program Manager of the Centre also gave fundamental suggestions to the fellows.
In the second session, Prof. Nitin Rindhe gave a brief talk on “What is- Being a Writer?’. The fellow participants were mentored on topics like- difficulties faced while writing, reference material, making a plan to write etc. by their respective subject experts. In the final session, the film 'The Miniaturist of Junagadh' was screened followed by a discussion led by senior editor-translator Ganesh Vispute through art and literature.
In the first online session, held on 29th May, 2022 senior translator-editor Karuna Gokhale conducted a workshop on 'How to translate'. The workshop concluded with a Q&A session.
In the second session, Sahitya Akademi award winning story-writer Kiran Gurav shared his writing journey. He talked about the process of writing, from an idea germinating to the finalization of the story.
In the last session, senior editor-translator Ganesh Vispute gave guidance on the topic 'Importance of editing process in Book production'. He presented the various aspects of editing by giving examples of global and Indian literary works. Later, the scholarship holders had personal discussions with their respective subject experts where they cleared their doubts and decided upon the direction of further writing based on their guide’s suggestions. Prof. Randhir Shinde, Karuna Gokhale, Ganesh Vispute worked as expert guides.
On May 30, 2022, Yashwantrao Chavan Centre's Executive President and Fellowship’s Convenor MP Supriya Sule interacted with the fellowship holders. She learnt about the subjects of writing and also asked if any more facilities are required from the Centre. On this day, 'Pustak Doot', initiative officially commenced.
'Pustak Doot' is an innovative scheme conceptualized by Hon. Supriya Sule where the books received as gifts to her will be distributed (after reading) to other interested readers free of cost. She gave information about this initiative through Facebook Live. Ravindra Zende, Fellowship holder Abhishek Dhangar and Pradeep Kokre took the responsibility of compiling and delivering the books to the interested readers.
The workshop concluded with valuable insights and guidance from Hon’ble SharadChandraji Pawar Saheb, Chairman of Yashwantrao Chavan Centre.